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August 13, 2023・19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

1 Kings 19. 9a, 11-13a・Ps. 85. 9, 10+11, 12+13+14・; Romans 9.1-5・Matthew 14. 22-33

Recognizing the presence of Jesus

       especially in the most difficult times of our lives

  On our sharing these recent Sundays, no matter how many other points for our reflection come in, we have been brought somehow to the recognition and acknowledgment that our coming to church, attending mass, receiving other sacraments, celebrating faith-life with members of parish community, and responding to the call of helping others in many ways, are signs that our hearts are located where our treasure is. We are talking here about our faith life, so to say, our relationship with God, our treasure.

In our Gospel reading today, following the previous ministry of Jesus with the disciples about the multiplication of loaves and fish (feeding of vast people, more than five thousand men and women, including children), we hear about Jesus going up the mountain and pray by himself while the disciples went into the boat.

  From the very first verses of our gospel reading today, it must have been an opportunity for the disciples to know that Jesus was conveying that prayer is an important aspect of their (the disciples`) ministry. In fact it (prayer) is actually the most important among many other important aspects of their pastoral (ministerial) work. While Jesus Himself went up the mountain to spend time in prayer, it must have been an opportune time for the disciples to realize, that after witnessing Jesus feeding a vast people, the next thing to do is to spend time in prayer of thanksgiving.

  After which, Jesus uses the weather situation (a storm with strong wind and waves) experienced by the disciples, to strengthen their faith. The disciples, being so terrified (fearful, afraid) did not immediately recognize that Jesus was the one coming towards them, walking on the water. However, Jesus gave them peace by letting them know who He is. Jesus well reminded them of His rescue and unending presence amidst storm, offering them assurance of security and deeper faith in Him.

Sometimes ( or most often?), we fail to recognize the presence of God especially in times of trouble.

  May God, in times of our inability to recognize His presence when in fear and trembling, and anxiety, shower us sufficient grace to calm our hearts and to experience peace. With the unending presence, mercy and love of God, let us praise the Lord. Let us create more spaces in our hearts to further recognize Him, amidst many forms of storms, and see (recognize) Jesus through the face of others too no matter how many differences we have amongst each other.

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