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November 03, 2024・31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Deuteronomy 6.2-6/ Psalm 18.3, 23+25, 47+50/ Hebrews 7.23-28/ Mark 12.28b-34 We are not unfamiliar with the Ten Commandments instructed...
October 27, 2024・30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Jeremiah 31.7-9/ Ps.126.1+2ab,2cd+3,4+6/ Hebrews 5.1-6/ Mark 10.46-52 Let us begin our sharing today by sincerely acknowledging our...
October 20, 2024・29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Isaiah 53.10-11/ Psalm 33.4+5,14+15,20+21/ Hebrews 4.14-16/ Mark 10.35-45 We have considered together last week in our reflection a...
October 13, 2024・28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Wisdom 7.7-11・Psalm 90.1+2+14,11+12,16+17・Hebrews 4.12-13・Mark 10.17-30 It is already an advantage being able to find ourselves as...
October 06 2024・27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Genesis 2.18-24・Psalm 128.2+3a 3b+5+6a・Hebrews 2.9-11・Mark 10.2-16 Today we come to touch on a very topical and sensitive issue in the...
September 29 2024・26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Numbers 11.25-29/ Ps.19.8 10 12/ James 5.1-6/ Mark 9.38-43,45,47-48 Let's reflect together today about the ongoing and ever-expanding...
September 22, 2024/ 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Wisdom 2.12, 17-20/ Ps.54.3+4,8+6+9a/ James 3.16-4.3/ Mark 9.30-37 Christ openly told his disciples that everyone who wants to follow...
September 15, 2024/ 24th Sunday in Ordinary (B)
Isaiah 50.5-9/ Psalm 116.1+2+3+4,5+6a+7b,8ab+9/ James 2.14-18/ Mark 8.27-35 Last Sunday, we already have talked about our calling to...
September 8, 2024・23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Isaiah 35.4-7/ Psalm 146.1+2+10a,6c+7,8ac+9bc/ James 2.1-5/ Mark 7.31-37 Our readings today remind us that we are all beneficiaries of...
September 01, 2024・22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Deuteronomy 4.1-2,6-8/ Psalm 15.1+2,3+4a+6/ James 1.17-18,21b-22,27/ Mark 7.1-8,14-15,21-23 Having an opportunity to listen to the Word...
August 25, 2024・21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Joshua 24.1-2a,15-17-18b/ Ps 34.2+316+18,19+23/ Ephesians 5.21-32/ John 6.60-69 We have been spending time in reflection of the...
August 18, 2024・20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Proverbs 9.1-6/ Ps.145.10+11,13ab+14,15+16/ Ephesians 5.15-20/ John 6.51-58 Indeed, one of the many ways to fill our insufficiency/lack...
August 11, 2024・19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
1 Kings 19.4-8/ Psalm 34.2+3,4+5,7+8/ Ephesians 4.30 ~ 5.2/ John 6.41-51 On our third week of reflection about the Bread of Life, may I...
August 15, 2024・The Solemnity of the Assumption (B)
It is good for us to reflect on some important things that we can get out of solemn celebration of the Assumption. Hopefully this...
August 4, 2024・18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Exodus 16.2-4,12-15/ Ps.78.3+4, 23+24, 25+54/ Ephesians 4.17,20-24/ John 6:24-35 Discourse on “the Bread of Life” gives us a broader...
July 28, 2024・17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
2 Kings 4.42-44;/ Ps.16.10+11,15+16,17+18/ Ephesians 4.1-6/ John 6.1-15 As we intently listen to the readings today, we will come to...
July 21, 2024・16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Jeremiah 23.1-6/ Ps.23.2+3,4,6/ Ephesians 2.13-18/ Mark 6.30-34 Jesus` shepherding fully symbolizes the unending love and deep mercy of...
July 14, 2024・15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Amos 7.12-15/ Ps.85.9,10+11,12+13+14/ Ephesians 1.3-14/ Mark 6.7-13 A “missionary sending ceremony” typically happens in a particular...
July 07, 2024・14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Ezekiel 2.2-5/ Ps. 123. 1+2ad/ 2 Corinthians 12.7b-10/ Mark 6.1-6 Last Sunday we have reflected that through generosity that comes in...
June 30, 2024・13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Wisdom 1.13-15, 2:23-24/ Ps 30. 2b+4, 6, 11+12/ 2 Corinthians 8.7,9,13-15/ Mark 5.21-43 In most formulary prayers we recite with the...
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