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September 24, 2023・25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Isaiah 55:6-9・Ps.16.1+3, 8+9, 17+18・Philippians 1.20c.-―24, 27a・Matthew 20.1―16

Month of Protecting All Lives (Sept.― Octo. 4, 2023)

The Kindness of God,

and the Fundamental Worth of All Individuals

As we reflect on (about) the abundance of God`s kindness/generosity, a child of faith may just simply agree that indeed God does not think the way we think. God serves different kind of justice than what we do. God loves all Saints in Heaven, and He loves each one of us with exactly the same love So when it comes to God`s love for us, we bow down in humble thankfulness because we are all treated so well as His children, entitled of His equal love.

Some critical minds however may spend much time to answer their own questions about the seemingly “unjust justice of God.” We have the parable story in our gospel reading today telling us so much about how God really thinks so different from the way we do. We are constantly reminded that no matter how late in life a child of God accepted Jesus, there is an assurance of the same welcome that the Saints in heaven get. We have exactly the same lessons from the parable of the prodigal son, and from the parable of lost sheep.

Without totally ignoring the message of our readings today, we may tackle a bit about our notion of good employment and fair wage. After weighing the nature and bulk/volume of future work, including agreeable bonus(es), paid holiday and some others for the benefit of the company and employee, fair employment (employment contract) is being agreed upon and signed between the employer and the employee. We commonly understand that justice is best served when the contract agreement is being followed. Sometimes, we hear of breach of contract (violations of any of the agreed upon terms and conditions) in many companies/ workplace all over the world. Most often, breach of contract leads to more unemployment. The Catholic Church and other groups involved in promoting justice and peace work hand in hand first and foremost in promoting right to work, then in promoting fair treatment in workplace, and in fighting against many injustices as such. We do not immediately judge unemployed individuals as lazy people. Most of them are deprived of the right to work in a safe and just workplace.

Let us continue to dedicate our community in promoting the inherent/fundamental worth of all individuals. Let us promote respect and considerations regardless of each one`s contributions, roles, status and physical stature in the community. Each one in our community is invited also to refrain from jealousy and from an old culture of comparing oneself with others.

May we further understand a divine perspective on human worth, justice and kindness.

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