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March 09, 2024・1st Sunday of Lent (C)
Deuteronomy 26.4-10・Psalm ・Romans 10.8-13・ Luke 4.1-13  As we enter into the season of Lent, we pray that we may grow in understanding...

on Jubilee year 2025
Even right before entering into liturgical season of Lent and Easter, we are given the best times to reflect on the theme of the Jubilee...

March 02, 2025・8th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Sirach 27.4-7・Ps.92.2+3+4,13+14+15・ 1 Corinthians 15.54-58・Luke 6.39-45 Today`s readings may serve as a very specific wake-up call on how...

February 23, 2025・7th Sunday in Ordinary Time(C)
1 Samuel 26.2,7-9,12-13,22-23・Ps.103.3+4,8+13,11+12 ・ 1 Corinthians 15.45-49・Luke 6.27-38  Today`s readings teach us about mercy,...

February 16, 2025・6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Jeremiah 17.5-8・Psalm 1.1ac+2,3,6・ 1 Corinthians 15.12,16-20・ Luke 6.17,20-26  We, I think, are all greatly challenged in today`s...

February 9, 2025・5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Isaiah 6.1-2a,3-8・Ps.138.1+2ab,4+5+7d,8・1 Corinthians 15.1-11・ Luke 5:1-11  Our readings today speak loud and clear about the vastness...

February 02, 2025・Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (C)
Malachi 3.1-4・ Psalm 24.3+4,5+6,8+10・ Hebrews 2.14-18・ Luke 2.22-40 The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is being celebrated...

January 26, 2025・Sunday of the Word of God・3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Nehemiah 8.2-4a,5-6,8-10・Ps.19.8,9,10・ 1 Corinthians 12.12-30・ Luke 1.1-4,4.14-21 In many parishes all around the world we may observe...

January 19, 2025・2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Isaiah 62.1-5 Â / Ps. / 1 Corinthians 12.4-11 Â / John 2.1-11 Â For a believer, the existence of God has been proven by many things,...

January 12, 2025・Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (C)
Isaiah 40.1-5, 9-11 / Ps. /  Titus 2.11-14, 3.4-7 / Luke 3.15-16, 21-22 The baptism that took place in the Jordan River clarifies some...

January 05, 2025・Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord (C)Â
Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord (C) Isaiah 60.1-6 ・Ps.72.2+4,7+8,10+11,12+13・ Ephesians 3.2,3b,5-6 ・ Matthew 2.1-12  From a simple...

December 29, 2024・Feast of the Holy Family(C)
1 Samuel 1.20-22, 24-28 / Psalm 84.2+3,6+7,8+9/ Â 1 John 3.1-2, 21-24 / Luke 2.41-52 We celebrate today the Feast of the Holy Family. It...

Christmas 2024 (C)
We are all now enjoying the fruits of our recollections this past Advent season. First of all, it springs from our hearts to wish every...

December 22, 2024・4th Sunday of Advent (C)
Micah 5.1-4/ Psalm /Hebrews 10.5-1/ Luke 1.39-44 Meditating on the mysteries stated in the Holy Rosary is perhaps one of the most...

December 15, 2024・3rd Sunday of Advent (C)
Zephaniah 3.14-18/ Isaiah12.2,4,5,6/ Â Â Philippians 4.4-7/ Â Luke 3:10-18 We are now on the third Sunday of Advent. Let us all together...

December 08, 2024・2nd Sunday of Advent (C)
Baruch 5.1-9/ Psalm 126.1+2ab,2cd+3,4+6/ Philippians 1.4-6,8-11/ Luke 3:1-6 We are now entering into the second week of the season of...

December 01, 2024・First Sunday of Advent (C)
Jeremiah 33.14-16/ 1 Thessalonians 3.12—4.2/ Luke 21.25-28,34-36 Today is the first day and first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of...
November 24, 2024・Solemnity of Christ the King (B)
Daniel 7.13-14 / Psalm 93.1+2, 3+4, 5 / Revelation 1.5-8 /John 18:33-37 Â In today`s Solemnity of Christ, our King, we have at least two...
November 17, 2024・33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Daniel 12.1-3 / Psalm 16.5, 8, 9 / Hebrews 10.11-14,18/ Â Mark 13.24-32 Today`s liturgy may serve as anticipation of the beginning of...
November 10, 2024・32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
1 Kings 17.10-16/ Psalm 146.1+2+10a, 6c+7, 8ac+9bc/ Hebrews 9.24-28/ Mark 12.38-44 For the LORD, the God of Israel, says,...
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