Deuteronomy 26.4-10・Psalm ・Romans 10.8-13・ Luke 4.1-13
As we enter into the season of Lent, we pray that we may grow in understanding of the riches we can find in Christ. We will spend this season of Lent renewing our understanding of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Our readings today may probably be very inspiring to people who were once and in many ways tempted and tested, were once and in many ways discriminated and oppressed but in God`s grace were able to resist them all. Truly, they must have understood that one does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. Because they were saved from life`s destruction, they are those who acquired a thankful heart, and uses it (having a thankful heart) as basis and starting point in reaching-out to others/helping others. For them, reaching out to others may sometimes be tiresome to their physical body but to their spirit is not.
There are of course many people from their younger years up to recent past and maybe at present, who are still having a life challenged by many realities of this world brought about by financial instability for example, by mental illnesses of many sorts, and by environment that rarely promotes Christian values and the like. We pray for them for courage and patience amidst temptations, acquire patience and eventually find the same humor and wisdom Jesus had when He was tempted in the desert.
We are all called to participate in the continuing mission of Jesus on earth, that is, to heal and to bring peace and true freedom for ourselves and for all. While we commemorate the passion and death of our Lord Jesus, we ready ourselves to be transformed from a shallow faith life to a faith life that can move mountains. This is the season to sincerely sort out which are to give-up and which are to keep for the greater glory of God. It needs certain amount of sacrifice indeed for a change of heart.