Jeremiah 17.5-8・Psalm 1.1ac+2,3,6・ 1 Corinthians 15.12,16-20・ Luke 6.17,20-26
We, I think, are all greatly challenged in today`s readings. Jeremiah calls for trust in God. True happiness comes from trusting and relying on God. A call to trust in God indeed comes from a reality that most of us especially those who are well-to-do and those who consider themselves in a higher position in the society and in any community (including parish community maybe) or group they belong are usually inclined to depend on human strength alone.
St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians talks about the faith of the Corinthians. Paul further explains that our faith depends on the truth of Jesus who is risen from the dead, and our faith is useless without the Resurrection. In here, we are all reminded to share the vision of Jesus while we courageously and patiently face the imperfections of this world such us failing human relationships, war that comes in different forms, sicknesses, and temptations as well.
That is why we come to understand that our readings today highlight the importance of relying on God and the hope found in Jesus Christ’s resurrection
Jesus blesses the poor, the hungry and those in sorrow. Jesus gives them the gift of patience and words of encouragements. Jesus promises them future joy and rewards in heaven. Jesus, on the other hand warns many (the rich, well-fed) of the their inclinations/tendencies to reject graces from God, the grace that comes from the Resurrection of Jesus, and the gifts that comes from the Holy Spirit.
Let us pray for those who have less and who experience difficulties in life, esp. those who instead of relying on God`s love and mercy, are rebellious because of their impatience and distrust. We also pray for those who are well-fed so that they will be more generous to others and more cheerful givers, humble of heart, and God-fearing.