Malachi 3.1-4・ Psalm 24.3+4,5+6,8+10・ Hebrews 2.14-18・ Luke 2.22-40
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is being celebrated February 2 every year. We recall the day when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem to present Him (Jesus) to God. In our Gospel reading today, we will also encounter Simeon and Ana who have waited in their entire lives to meet Jesus at the Temple. Both Simeon and Ana see Jesus as special. They were holy people. They recognized Jesus so well because they were in deep relationship to God in prayer and worship. Therefore, we are today so blessed to have four personalities of deep faith, humility and obedience. We have Mary and Joseph, Simeon and Ana.
Since this year the feast of the presentation falls on a Sunday, and is today, we will reflect together today on at least two things. First, we recognize Jesus as the Light of the World, Light for all people. Blessing of candles in many parishes every 40th day after Christmas day which is February 2, feast of the Presentation had been an ancient part of the celebration in the Church. Secondly, we recognize that Jesus came not to destroy but to fulfill the law. The Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, obeyed the customs of their people. “The Presentation Event” is rooted in Jewish tradition, in which, according to the Law of Moses, every firstborn son belonged to God. Parents were to bring their son to the temple in thanksgiving to offer small sacrifice too. Mary and Joseph showed humility and obedience by following God`s law faithfully.
While we have Mary and Joseph as our model in upbringing children to God, we also encounter the patience of Simeon and Ana in waiting to meet Jesus in the Temple. Simeon`s and that of Ana`s patience too tells us about the joy of knowing and joy serving the Lord our entire lives. We then realize that patience is required to really joyfully know and joyfully serve the Lord.