Sirach 27.4-7・Ps.92.2+3+4,13+14+15・ 1 Corinthians 15.54-58・Luke 6.39-45
Today`s readings may serve as a very specific wake-up call on how we see things and people around us, on how we interpret and maybe on how we judge things, situation and people. We are called somehow to treat things, situation and people slowly, as much as possible “surely” with generosity and maybe with certain amount of humility and true kindness. We are further being called to always master ourselves, and let knowledge of our own selves be the starting point or maybe the basis in treating situations and people. All these things mean that indeed we all need to stay foot on the ground all the time as much as possible. AND even if we find ourselves really worthy and in right position and with authority to judge things and people, to teach, and to guide in our own individual rights, let us all do them in proper time/the best time and proper place, when in that way will truly be a helping hand for others.
We find ways or means from the ways of Jesus on how we should engage ourselves to fraternal correction (to correcting and guiding other people). Jesus once lived on this earth like us in order for Him to guide and save us from the weaknesses of this world.