創世記1-4a/ 詩編33・4+5, 12+13, 20+21/ 2テモテ1・8b-10/ マタイ17・1-9
by Eeso
We have shared last week about some general guidelines for the proper observance of Lent, remembering the three important pillars of Lent well emphasized during Ash Wednesday, which are, Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. These are proper acts that we Catholics observe in good judgment and sufficient generosity. We have tried to deepen our understanding of these guidelines reflecting on the First Sunday of Lent`s Liturgy of the Word. We were invited to reconsider outer silence too which we all hope will help us attain inner silence necessary for a fruitful recollections of our previous deeds and actions, receive necessary grace that involves ability to recognize and understand which things are really important in our daily lives. We should not be creating a self that is too strict from outside has not given importance to what is inside. Indeed there are temptations to choose seeming important things but in the context of our faith is lesser important or has no value at all. By practicing the three pillars of Lent, we learn to pray for others, we learn to open our hearts for others, In spite of our human weaknesses and weaknesses of the world, we receive inner peace and joy and share to others that peace and joy. From this context, we begin understanding the Word of God for today.
A very important moment in the relationship between Jesus and His disciples is the moment when His disciples are able to recognize that Jesus aside from simply being their Teacher is the Christ, the Savior, and expected Messiah of Israel. More important moment in their relationship is the moment when Jesus started to further explain what their Teacher, the Messiah they have fully recognized, will be undergoing sooner or later, to be handed over to people who consider Him enemy, be crucified and eventually die on the Cross. Rising from the dead after three days is another thing to be well understood by His disciples. We, like His first disciples, is longing for permanent feelings of happiness for example, for a Messiah who will permanently free us from many kinds of life`s difficulties. When we have found the best place for us, we will want to stay forever, and wish is to be everlasting. Who would not long to, not tomorrow but now! However, we are all invited to further reflect on our present life on earth, to find courage and joy in fulfilling the work in the vineyard of the Lord.
By virtue of our baptism, we are “sent” people. We are all sent to continue to spread the love of God, the peace of Christ. We are all sent to give strength to the weak, to give voice to the voiceless, to let others speak, to give others a space and place for peace and quiet through justice and forgiveness. Our first reading from the book of Genesis well explains that mandate. A child of God who truly listens to His Word, is willing to be sent. We have a very special understanding here of how is it “to be sent.” Following the story of Abram and others being sent to lead the People of God, as they respond to the calling on leading God`s people, they were not left all alone to do their job. God who sent them remained to be with them and remained faithful to protect them against their enemies, and never left them in times of trouble.
In our second reading, the encouraging invitation to Timothy is saying the same thing. It is an invitation not just coming from a fellow human being but it is indeed a Holy Invitation coming from the Lord. It is the power of God that gives us strength and patience. We go with Someone who sent us.
Our Gospel reading today leads us to conclude that through His transformation in front of the disciples with Him on the top of the mountain, we realize of a Lord who gives assurance, we realize a Lord who encourages and gives courage. A disciple of Christ will say that wherever Jesus goes I will go.
We are given a very conducive theme in observance of Lent, be able to spent more time in quiet. We may even find a place conducive for retreat. We may even have the best chance to hear inspirational talks while seated in a very convenient chair while we close our eyes to feel its depth. We may even find a good book to read. However, most of the time, Christian life is best spent sharing in the joys and sorrows of others. We have been receivers of God`s grace, it is now the time for us to become channels of grace, helping people to know and experience God`s forgiveness and love.