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May 14, 2023・6th Sunday of Easter (A)

Acts 8:5-8, 14-17; Ps. 66.1+2+4,5+9,16+17; 1 Peter 3:15-14, John 14:15-21 Today, we may be sharing about an overlapping themes for the Solemnity of the Ascension and that of the Pentecost Sunday celebration. The three-fold dimension of our faith, which will be further emphasized three (3) weeks after as we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity., is the closest conclusion we can have to these overlapping themes. The theme is about Jesus returning to the Father while assuring the Apostles of His continuous presence but in a different way. We, at present, are the recipients of the unending presence of God in our midst. So let us reflect on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. First Reading: We experience the presence of God through the interpretation of the Word of God understandable to all by authorities in Church. From the time of the first Apostles of Christ, the proclamation of the message of the Gospel depended not on their human capacities but on the power of the Holy Spirit. The people too who heard the message felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, received the Holy Spirit, and experienced healing and great joy in their lives. Our role in the present society then is to perform wonderful works in God`s Spirit. Gospel Reading: We received the commandments of Jesus, and we keep them. We remember the great commanded of loving God through loving our neighbors. The Holy Spirit (Advocate) gives us the capacity to keep this great commandment. If we are filled with the Holy Spirit in our daily lives we are always moved to selflessness and other-centeredness, that is, a Christian way of living. God is with us. Second Reading: Our life in the Holy Spirit impels us to do good rather than inflict bad (ill) to others. We are also called to speak about God and His things with reverence(respect) and true love. While we respond to proclaiming the Word of God by opening our mouth so that others may also hear, may our actions and daily living be a living witnesses to the words that come from our mouth.. All the grace(s) overflowing our Church life through the Sacraments are signs of Jesus` presence among us. Let us prepare our hearts in commemorating the upcoming Solemnities unfolding the three-fold dimension of our faith.

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