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July 23, 2023・16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Wisdom 12.13,16-19・Ps.86.5+6,9+10,15+16・Romans 8.26-27; Matthew 13.24-43

  We can immediately think of an important point for reflection today as our gospel for today is a continuation of last Sunday`s reading from the gospel according to St. Matthew. While a theme on growing the seed planted into our hearts and a theme on spreading the Word of God were vivid subject matters for our reflection last week, we have today about Jesus` explanation of what the Kingdom of Heaven (the Kingdom of God) is.

  Let us try to understand that the Kingdom being presented and explained to us is primarily an environment or a situation that exists among human relationships in the here and now (in this world at present), At the same time, we may not be able to avoid clinging to our understanding that this Kingdom is a place, and I believe personally that it is not bad at all to understand that way, Either the Kingdom is a situation or a place, these understandings do not hinder us in picking-up what our readings today so importantly convey. This Kingdom can be both a situation in which, and a place where gospel values prevail.

  Gospel values include justice and peace, truth and compassion, care for the dignity of every other human person, patience and good judgment, good communication, understanding and forgiveness, and many other values that are mirrored in the life of Jesus.

  So acquiring all these Gospel values can be the most effective way towards giving a bountiful harvest to the sower (to the farmer in the context of our gospel reading today). The presence of these same values well acquired in patience and good judgment is in fact the concluding imagery of the Kingdom of Heaven itself.

  We can understand from our first reading today that the authority and power of God, His justice and might is accompanied by kindness. KINDNESS is expected from every individual and from every community, even if in reality is still divided into small groups, strong and weak, and with various aims, We provide HOPE for possible repentance when we are patient and kind.


  Heavenly Father, our Source of strength, may we always recognize the assistance of your Spirit especially in times we encounter deceptive strategies of our enemies. Assist us in becoming more patient and slow to judge at all times. Continue to grant us the gifts of your Spirit, and let us enjoy the fruits of Your same Spirit. We trust in your providence and fidelity to us against any force of evil that hinders the growth of Your Kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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