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July 30, 2023・17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

1 Kings 3.5, 7-12 ・ Ps. 119. 57+72, 127+129, 160+162 ・ Romans 8.28-30 ・ Matthew 13. 44-52

  The continuation of our reflection about the Kingdom of God presented to us from the gospel according to St. Matthew brings us the understanding of its (the Kingdom of Heaven) immense worth and importance. The parable of the treasure buried in the field and the parable of the pearl of great price both convey the immensity of the value and of the importance of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Indeed, where we find our treasure where our hearts will be. Similar to the one who found a treasure buried in the field who went out with joy, sold what he/she has and bought the field, we too are prompted to spend more time, and exert more and extra effort out of willingness to give-up one for the other. Similar to a merchant finding a fine pearl of great price (a fine pearl BUT of great price) goes and sells all he has and buys it, we too, like the merchant, can be that determined and decisive to have it (the pearl of great price) no matter what it takes.

So we are called to see the immensity of the worth and importance of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are called to put our hearts in building the Kingdom of Heaven While at the same time we have been so good and wise, in our own rights, in putting things and priorities in order according to what we think are important or of great value, we are always called to reconsider or re-examine what we often think are important and of higher value, and have the courage to reset them. The heart`s desire of the children of God is to have priorities that are founded in Gospel values. The children of God are those who are willing to re-establish priorities according to the values of Jesus Christ.

Our Prayer:

Heavenly Father, You are the Source of all wisdom and understanding. Grant us all, the wisdom that will enable us to always distinguish what is right and what is wrong, and a wisdom in making choices that are align with Your Will. Give us an understanding heart that is willing to sacrifice one value for another higher value. We ask this through Christ, our Lord, who sacrificed Himself for the Highest Value. Amen.

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