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August 27, 2023・21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Isaiah 22. 19-23・Ps. 138. 1+2ab, 4+5+7d, 8・Romans 11. 33-36・Matthew 16: 13-20

All are in God`s Authority and Care

  You and me coming to Church on Sundays and sometimes even during weekdays proclaim (wholeheartedly recognize) Jesus as Christ and Lord of our daily life. In the Church where the bountiful graces of God overflow, you and me receive the Sacraments that allow us to know more about Jesus and experience more and more life in/with Christ. Indeed, praying with the community and attending Mass with the community contribute a lot in knowing Jesus and experiencing a deeper Christian life.

While we come to Church in many different manners bringing with us our own individual understanding of Jesus, and since each one were born and raised from a unique family environment and surroundings, our responses to who Jesus is in our respective lives may sound different. Primarily, we are being led by our liturgy today to reflect upon how we have been enjoying the merit of having friends (not just within our parish community) who wholeheartedly recognize Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Despite life`s realities, or better saying “because of these life`s realities,” we too can engage in telling others how we have wholehearted recognized Jesus as Christ and Savior. We let others too to enjoy the merit of having us in the community as well as in our small group of friends. Blessed are those who are able to wholeheartedly recognize the Lordship of Jesus in their daily life!

Peter`s recognition that Jesus is the Christ (the Savior /Messiah) conveys a significant act of faith, and this same act of faith is necessary for all of us to convey to be true to our identity as Catholics. As we receive the Sacraments in the Church, we also recognize Jesus` divine nature and His authority among us.

While our readings today say that the vastness of the wisdom of God is incomprehensible, we understand that we are all in God`s authority and in His Care. Christ`s presence in the Eucharist and other Sacraments, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in all the activities of the Church and in our faith-community as a whole, and in the heart of each one, continue to bless us and make all things Holy, despite our frailties, and allow the Pilgrim Church to grow more in the knowledge of Him.

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