Malachi 1. 14b-2, 2b, 8-10・Ps. 131. 1+2ab, 2cd+3・1 Thessalonians 2. 7b-9, 13・
Matthew 23. 1-12
Jesus, our Greatest, and Only Teacher and Leader,
Teaches, & Leads us to Lead
We had been learning (knowing) about the conflict between Jesus and some Pharisees through the gospel readings according to St. Matthew. There were just some too much arrogance and hypocrisy on the way of thinking and actions among religious leaders of Jesus earthly time. The theme of our liturgy today mostly likely brings us back to an honest reflection about leadership in the church.
Let us pray for all the Church leaders so that they will be able to live what they preach. To lead by example is a very important facet/angle of leadership. In the course of time, one thing that seems to be a perennial issue when it comes to leadership is about a failure to put into action what is confidently or somewhat arrogantly being taught.
As we reflect further, we may realize that this seemingly perennial issue is not limited only on the weaknesses of specific/particular authorities in the Church whom we consider as our leaders such as ordained priests and bishops, catechists, and parish council officers. By virtue of each one`s baptism, all baptized Christians are called to lead by word and example. We are all called to nurture each one`s prayer life, so to say, to nurture each one`s relationship with Jesus, by acquiring genuine faith, and leading by example. This is one of the many challenges in Christian living.
Let us consider leadership as a calling for all. Leadership is a grace, a beautiful present we can receive. My dearest brothers and sisters, we can lead in many different ways. Our parish needs each one`s leadership. Let us all carry-out the mission of service above all. Do not be afraid. We have Jesus as our Greatest Leader who leads us to lead.
May all the titles we have given to specific people, some reserved seats we have allotted for those assigned to lead us, and the vestments well-embroidered by talented hands, remain as signs and symbols of sacred duties and leadership. May all these things we all considered important, be necessary means to carry out more the leader’s mission of service to the people and promote deeper relationship of all with Jesus, nothing more nothing less.