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December 3, 2023・First Sunday of Advent (B)

Isaiah 63. 16b--17, 19b, 64.2b-7・Ps.80.2, 15+16, 18+19・1 Corinthians 1.3-9・

Mark 13. 33-37

Today, we enter into the Season of Advent, the first season in the Church Calendar year. Happy New Year to all.

We can see in most parishes an Advent Wreath full of symbolism well prepared for our 4-week long Advent recollection. With its four candles, we understand that we begin the new Church Year with 4 Sundays of Advent leading to Christmas. Let us know more of its (Advent Wreath`s) other symbolisms which we may not know up to this time.

We needed our God to come visibly among us so that in His visible presence we can better understand the meaning of our lives, and better understand what direction our lives should go. The life of Jesus on earth gives us encouragement to restore our relationship with God and maintain the centrality of Jesus in our lives.

The Readings of the first Sunday of Advent somehow make us understand this early the meaning of the theme on “coming and waiting”. Many authors of the supplementary readings for Advent and Christmas resort to explaining the three (3) “comings” we can understand in preparation for Christmas.

The abundance of Jesus`s ministry on earth started from a visible, simple and humble beginning ―the birth of Jesus at a stable in Bethlehem. This is the Good News. As we start our Advent recollection, let this "coming” be understood as an event in the past, a historical event we intend to wholeheartedly celebrate together on December 25.

We can understand in the broader sense however of the eternal presence of our Creator. In our Christian living, there is a constant reminder of the ongoing presence of Jesus in the Holy Spirit. We must be deeply aware of this eternal and ongoing presence which somehow the “coming” concept can be understood depending on our individual awareness of His presence, He comes in every person`s heart, in every one`s experience, in very special time and place.

A gradual physical preparation of our Church from first week of Advent (or even weeks before for some) to the third Sunday of Advent which we call “Gaudete Sunday, has been our culture in respective parishes and homes. We generally understand that Advent Season is solely in preparation for the celebration of Christmas. As we go back to other symbolisms of the Advent Wreath, we offer the first two weeks of Advent in reflecting on the second coming of Christ. We suppose to maintain the solemnity of our liturgy, prayers and hymns within these first two weeks to draw us to repentance in view of the last days. We hope that we will be able to gradually offer the season of Advent for a joyous celebration of Christmas. Let us continue to be more aware of the presence and situation of people around us. Let us spend our best time to live lives of love in honesty and integrity, and forgiveness and compassion.

Have a fruitful Advent Recollection

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