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January 01, 2024・Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (B)

Numbers 6.22-27・Psalm 67.2+3,4+5,7+8・ Galatians 4.4-7・Luke 2.16-21

Happy New Year to all.

January 01 is not just the first day of the year for us Catholic Christians. We commemorate the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. True God and True Man Jesus is her Son.

How well do we know Mary…

Mary is the mother of Jesus who is True God and True Man. The more we appreciate Mary as the Mother of God, the more we understand that the True God and True Man Jesus was part/member of a family.

So the first day of the year brings us to further reflection on how the Son of a seemingly poor family in the Nativity scene later pronounced that His mother and brothers are those who hear the Word of God and those who put the Word of God into practice (cf. Luke 8.19-21). We truly appreciate Mary because She was exemplary to the pronouncement of Jesus who is Her Son. The greatness of Mary lies on her unconditional response to the call of God that started from her “Yes” response during the Annunciation up to her silent/quiet presence on the foot of the Cross. Though She remained with a heart of a mother. the plan of the Father that She knew from the very start triumphed on Her heart above any other human emotions.

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