Jonah 3.1-5, 10 Ps. 25.4+5a, 8+9, 10+14 1Cor.7.29-31 Mk. 1.14-20
We can consider the message of our Liturgy today as continuation of our bible sharing last week week (2 Sunday in OT). As we dig deeper on the pastoral ministry of Jesus, the calling of the disciples have been an important part of His (of Jesus') mission of preaching and doing miracles through healing people physically and spiritually. The fruit of Jesus miracles and healing always leads to, and are actually attributed to, one's repentance and ongoing conversion. The disciples of Jesus, Simon and Andrew at least in our readings today, were just the two of other disciples, who immediately understood the mission of Jesus. An immediate response on their part presents to us, in modern/present times too, the urgency of repentance and ongoing conversion.
So at present times, we will continue try to accept wholeheartedly the "new society" that Jesus has long been introducing to all. Indeed, there are still many ways (way of living, way of relating etc.), and understandings (way of thinking) we do have that are not aligned to Jesus mission/pastoral ministry. Let us continue reading the Bible, and discover through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit it's (the Bible's) deeper meanings. Jesus continues to communicate with us through the Gospel accounts in the Bible. Let us all be thankful of the merits of listening to the Word of God, as well of the merits of having the culture of reading the Bible. The Holy Spirit keeps on inspiring people to live the Bible. To Live the Bible is precisely the call of God that needs urgent response,