Ecclesiasticus 27.30 – 28.7 ・Ps. 103.3+4, 8+13, 11+12・Romans 14.7―9 ・
Matthew 18.21―35
Month of Protecting All Lives (Sept. – Oct. 4)
For our short reflection today, the words from our responsorial Psalm can be a strong foundational framework for whatever transpires from each one`s understanding of all other readings today. We are given a basic knowledge of a God who pardons our iniquities, brings redemption to each one`s life that can be in danger of destruction because of ill feelings, hurts, and seemingly vindictive hearts. Sobriety, self-control, overflowing love for neighbors, peace in our hearts, humility and the like all flows from the redemptive work of our Divine Healer. This is how God protect the lives of all of us, His children,
The strength and appeal of both first and second reading today lead us towards embracing and cherishing a life`s purpose of both dying to ourselves and living for the Lord. Our tendencies to keep wrath/revenge and anger as if they are treasures worthy to be kept (be fought for), maybe because of our pride and worldly self-preservation, can be a perennial/continually recurring concerns in human living, and as such in the entire creation. We only become sinners though when we give‐in to these tendencies that may ultimately result to poor contact in Heaven.
We may consider ourselves so wounded after going beyond our pride, our hateful feelings and our tendency to make revenge. But maybe it is just alright to feel so wounded when of course we are willing and are open to be healed after all. We find ourselves wounded children of God but living in sobriety and true peace are just few treasures that are worth keeping for. He (Jesus) who once walked on this earth was also wounded because of others` iniquities. Jesus was wounded but healed by the wisdom of God`s plan of salvation. He remains to be our Wounded Healer.
We are recipients of God's healing and forgiveness. We too, who continually die to ourselves and live for the Lord, know well that we are called to be not just recipients but also donors of a forgiveness that is rooted in and is overflowing from the love of God.
Let us all together pray that may all we have reflected today, all we have known and have understood, become expressions in reality of our faith and trust in God, and then become cultures of our hearts.