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God is with us

PENTECOST SUNDAY 2022 by Fr. Eeso We all hope that the time we have been allotting in recollections and prayers during this Easter Season is bringing us towards a deeper realization about the presence of God in our midst. Now is the best time to continue to reflect on the indwelling of His Spirit (the Holy Spirit) among us. In what way should we understand the meaning of the descent of the Holy Spirit, becomes the center of our faith-sharing in this issue of our parish newsletter. We do not forget to carry on in celebrating the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, and the heart of our community. We may understand that the ascension of Jesus partially gives us the notion that after several years of Jesus` ministry with His first disciples, the Christ who once walked on this earth is gone forever since his death and even His resurrection seemingly paved the way to inevitable ascension, in which, for early disciples brought His physical presence towards another doubting moment, and test of faith as well. We have known God as somebody above us who gives us assurance of His abundant love and unending mercy. God has from the very beginning been capable of communicating with the faith-community. Tracing back several OLD TESTAMENT Bible accounts, though not seen by human eyes, His reality and presence was truly felt through unrecognizable voice and later revealed by speaking with authority. His message was heard and was taught with clarity through the prophets. While we recognize both the strengths and weaknesses of the Old Testament faith-community, we also recognize our calling, as faith-community, to continue to learn from the past relationship between God and His people. A calling to learn more may mean that because of our imperfections too, there is so much to learn, and there is necessity to continue to create space from our hearts so that the continuing presence of God be strongly felt in our daily life, so to say, the inspiration from the Holy Spirit be well recognized as our ONLY fuel towards the realization of solid and balanced Christian living. With life seemingly uninspired by the Spirit of God is shallow and can lead to scattered and complicated life with both oneself and others. Simply saying that with the presence of the Holy Spirit unrecognized because “our inside” seems to be too full, too busy with worldly and selfish & self-centered concerns, addictions and fixations, we are pushing ourselves closer to slavery to sin , in which, we often say, so hard to find way out. Fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit are “GIFTS.” As gifts/presents, GIFTS are meant to be received with open heart by all of us, His (God`s) children, recipients of the GIFTS. Reflecting further on how we are being guided by the Holy Spirit towards becoming a better faith-community, and towards becoming a brother or a sister to others, may sound to be difficult to espouse/uphold. However, the same gifts of the Holy Spirit, if claimed in thanksgiving, will definitely lead us towards becoming (a real pilgrim church and more responsible brother or sister to others). Let us embrace a kind of society that Jesus steadfastly introduced to His first disciples, and so to each of us, and become a modern day temple of the Holy Spirit. A Kingly mission of Jesus leads us to service. The priestly mission of Jesus encourages us to lead in prayer with our group of friends, respective family, and communities. The prophetic mission of Jesus gives us the capacity to becoming responsible guides and teachers to people, group of people who have not heard the Word of God, and to people who have been long time scattered because of their rejection of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. We are thankful because we commonly share these three-fold mission of Jesus, so we become His Living temple. There is indwelling of the Holy Spirit in our individual hearts, and in our community. The Holy Spirit strengthens us to become victorious against all sorts of temptations. As we pray in front of our secret altars at home, and as we come to Church to pray with others, the Holy Spirit makes everything holy for all of us. From receiving baptism through the Holy Water and the Holy Spirit, to receiving other sacraments in the church, such as strengthening our faith in Sacrament of Confirmation, receiving the sacrament of penance/reconciliation, actively participating to the Holy Mass without disregarding the Holy Communion (receiving the Body of Christ in the form of Bread) just because of our unworthy reasons, entering into Holy Sacrament of Marriage (keeping married life in sacred state), or making oneself available to priestly (Sacrament of Ordination), and religious life , all of these we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, that makes everything possible for us, with meaningful faith life, so to say, with meaningful church life. I wish each one of us to continue to seek Godly activities, Godly thoughts, Godly decisions, Godly gatherings, as well as Godly solitary and quiet and peaceful life.

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