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April 7, 2024・Second Sunday of Easter・Divine Mercy Sunday (B)

Acts 4.32-35・1 John 5.1-6・Ps 118.1+2 16+17 22+23・John 20:19-31


In today`s celebration of Divine Mercy we are being led (definitely not our first time to) to the understanding that Jesus our Lord is the giver of peace. Disciples in early times were frightened brought about by Jesus` death on the Cross, and a little later in their anxiety with some sorts of disbelief on Jesus` Resurrection. However in a new way Jesus spoke to them several times and greeted them peace. Doubts and fear of the disciples were transformed into joy and most likely into a state of peace in their hearts anybody can ever wish for. Confirmation of Jesus` true presence in their midst brought peace in their hearts so we learn from here that Jesus is the Giver of Peace.


The state of peace in our hearts brought about by the Peace of Christ best speaks about a reconciliation that happens between us all and God and among each one of us brothers and sisters. We learn here specifically how Christian community is being blessed with the so-called forgiveness of sins. A task to bring all people to reconciliation first and foremost with God, with reconciliation of all with other brothers and sisters and rest of creation becomes the mission of Jesus` disciples after a the confirmatory events about the never ending presence of Jesus (the content of our Gospel reading today). 


We are invited today to reflect on a beautiful reconciliation that can ever happen in our church community (respective parish communities). Unity and sharing in the community can be the best effect of reconciliation. Our first reading today specifically emphasizes the unity and sharing among early Christians. Let us wholehearted allow ourselves and others too to experience the peace of Christ and together take courage to embrace the mission of bringing our community to reconciliation with God and reconciliation of each member to one another. No more walls doubts and reservations in order greet each one with the peace of Christ and so be able  “to live” the peace of Christ in our daily life`s words and actions.


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