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August 15, 2024・The Solemnity of the Assumption (B)

It is good for us to reflect on some important things that we can get out of solemn celebration of the Assumption. Hopefully this meditation/reflection will help us grow more in faith.

Indeed we seek peace and union with God each day. It also includes the hope that we will find true peace in our hearts and in our environment. We hope to regain our oneness with God, an everlasting life with God. We also ask for the intercession of the Blessed Mother for our brothers and sisters who have passed away. We believe that their sins are forgiven through the saving work of Christ. Therefore we also celebrate eternal life as a result of the forgiveness of sins.

This day then let's reflect on peace, hope, and life.


It just fit that the 15th of August this year is the last day offered/recommended by our church in Japan for collective prayer for peace.  First is the gratitude that despite the conflicts indicated by our history, there is peace experienced in the modern age because of the great love and mercy of God. May everyone have the courage to fight against any force that will break the peace we now enjoy in our society. May we continue to recognize the peace that Christ has introduced to humanity several years ago. May we also be an instrument to continue to introduce the peace of Christ to humanity.

Although we sometimes lose patience with the weakness of society and the weakness we experience personally, we are believers who never lose hope that in God's time everything will be alright. This order (settlement) is God's desire for all of us.

Dignity of “Life” is another thing so importantly revealed in Assumption of Mary. In the name of our faith and love for God and neighbor, let us continue to appreciate life. Through our words and deeds, smiles and positive outlook, we become advocates and inspirations to all. This inspiration saves each one from indifference and culture of death.

Have a solemn celebration of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother.

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