Joshua 24.1-2a,15-17-18b/ Ps 34.2+316+18,19+23/ Ephesians 5.21-32/ John 6.60-69
We have been spending time in reflection of the 6th chapter of the Gospel according to John. Today is our final reading of the chapter as we go back next week to the gospel reading according to Mark.
Being able to understand that Jesus is the Bread of Life that comes down from Heaven, and that whoever eats His Body and drink His Blood has eternal life, is a product of pure grace through our dedicated time in prayer and reflection.
We have been invited to understand deeper the message of Jesus in His work of miracles, in His plain words derived from real life experiences, and in His teachings several times through parables, We continue to listen to the message of Jesus during the Liturgy of the Word at mass. We continue to read the Bible at home. These recent weeks we have been receiving an invitation to share with others our daily faith-life experiences. These faith-life experiences may include both consolations and desolations on how we have far understood His message, and how we have been living a life centered in Jesus.
So much has been said about invitation!
On our final reading from the 6th chapter of the Gospel according to John, we will know that Jesus seemingly recognizes the developing disbelief among His followers. Jesus has seen the difficulty, first and foremost, of His disciples in understanding His teachings. Jesus then asked His disciples who they think He is. From here, we will understand that today`s specific point for reflection is about another invitation, that is, to re-affirm our faith in Jesus. It is the same point emphasized in our first reading today when Joshua challenged Israel to re-affirm their allegiance and commitment to the Lord.
Our second reading today may be more challenging specifically to people who are called to unity and sanctity in married life. Love and guidance of Christ protects marital roles. Husband and wife in their loving relationship continue to re-affirm their bond of love and commitment with each other no manner how each one sees the challenges of married life. They are called to continue to respect each other. Christ loves His Church, and the Church (the faith-community and Her members) respects Christ. Re-affirmation of our faith in Jesus therefore symbolizes unity and sanctity.
May our tendency to “disbelief,” and the difficulty we sometimes find in affirming our faith in Jesus, not lead to returning to our former way of life.