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December 08, 2024・2nd Sunday of Advent (C)

Baruch 5.1-9/ Psalm 126.1+2ab,2cd+3,4+6/ Philippians 1.4-6,8-11/ Luke 3:1-6

We are now entering into the second week of the season of Advent. Every year we are encouraged to renew our daily lives (repentance, conversion of heart - spiritual conversion/ metanoia) for the forgiveness of our sins. That is what John the Baptist similarly promoted/proclaimed in his time. We have a historical account about John baptizing people with water symbolizing each one`s repentance. John however was very clear in professing that after him, Someone is coming more powerful than himself, and who will baptize people with the Holy Spirit and fire.  

We may ask ourselves what can be the connection of John the Baptist's proclamation of repentance during his time (John`s ministry which was just right before Jesus` baptism and before Jesus` ministry in Galilee begins) to our yearly preparation for Christmas. In the fourth Sunday of Advent this year we will be reflecting on the account about the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. We know that the visitation account happened at a time when they both had babies in their wombs. We must know that Mary gave birth to Jesus only just few months after Elizabeth gave birth to John.

It may not be a far-fetched experience for a believer personally uttering words such as, "Hey, Christmas season comes near again, I hope I will have a happier Christmas this time." That's why, maybe, there is a season of Advent to prepare for our long-awaited Christmas season with our Christmas prayers/intentions, and hopes/wishes. Our response to this Advent Season can be our enthusiastic response to the challenging call of John to baptism not just in water but in the Holy Spirit and fire. It means that our recollection also includes a constant renewal of the sacrament of baptism we already have received. Since we are baptized in Christ, we find the unbreakable connection and root of our daily life from the birth of Jesus, and from its historical birth account/story. We have to be with Jesus from His birth so to say. A change of heart/conversion of heart - spiritual conversion (metanoia) is necessary to have a cheerful disposition creating a true Spirit of Christmas.

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