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October 13, 2024・28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Wisdom 7.7-11・Psalm 90.1+2+14,11+12,16+17・Hebrews 4.12-13・Mark 10.17-30

It is already an advantage being able to find ourselves as courageous enough for us to open our hearts to many teachings of Jesus even if they may seem to be, if not too unthinkable, really difficult to follow. In reality, we acquire at least basic education at school, and even higher education (masteral), and for some choose to train children even at early age in becoming business-minded persons. Our deal is that in the (near) future we/they may have a better life, and be able to save more for early retirement or for support in time of sickness. Some others may aim to have more than enough to support life in luxury, and many others. We try our best to earn for a living and acquire more for our safety and security. These and all we find to be nothing wrong especially when, in the first place, we do not hurt and harm other people, we do not cheat and steal. People who try their best in this aspect are good people in the society. Moreover, we find ourselves better people (more than just good people), when we start helping others by giving our surplus, used materials (and other things we think are already garbage), things we think we do not need any more and not necessary for our convenient living.

Let us now dig deeper and see how good we are really, in Christian living. What more should we do and be to gain the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus is saying.

For people who think they have been following God`s commandments, and who think helping people with their surplus, what more can they be.!? In here is a similar proposition of the rich young man in our gospel reading today as to what more should he do to inherit eternal life. At this point, we are invited to listen carefully as to what more are in God`s commandments, and understand the deal of Jesus: …looking at [the man], loved him and said, “You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me”  (Matt 19:21). This gospel passage brings us all to further reflection on our attitudes towards material wealth and many simple and complex dreams as well, for ourselves and respective families, in gaining life`s convenience (safety, security, health, happiness and many others) up to our last breath.  Up to this today, (maybe), we have considered these above values as God`s blessings, and indeed highly desirable for all. With this similar understanding in fact, and with the decision of the rich young man to go away, and sad, the disciples were brought to huge astonishment (shocked horrified) in time Jesus later streamlined for them “how hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God. 

We are being brought further in reflection about theme on attachments and detachments. A fruitful gospel proclamation requires detachment from all we materially have. We are being advised to focus more on trusting in God over our worries and insecurities in our life span in this world.

We all talk about these because we are people in the Church founded by Jesus. Let us continue to listen carefully on what Jesus so especially tells us today. His wisdom is the key that will enable each one towards material detachment, security, peace of mind and happiness. Wisdom is real wealth and is our deepest dream that is above all desirable things in this world.  

As further point for our reflection, we may ask ourselves what can be the things and situation, that we know and we are aware are obstacles and not worth keeping, BUT we continue to seemingly treasure, and we cannot abandon, let go, or avoid, for us to unconditionally/fully live life in Christ, and live in Christ`s peace.

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