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July 07, 2024・14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Ezekiel 2.2-5/ Ps. 123. 1+2ad/ 2 Corinthians 12.7b-10/ Mark 6.1-6

Last Sunday we have reflected that through generosity that comes in many and different forms, we will able to create, maintain, and grow life in the society, in every small and large communities, and homes. God created life, and intended it to be eternal. So we are called to always choose and promote life by creating a truly warm environment that grows life, over creating an indifferent environment that destroys life, and brings each one from slow to sudden death.

An indifferent person, indifferent and exclusive group of persons, indifferent community and indifferent society can be considered to be rebels against God the Source of all Life. We are called to be courageous enough to speak against, and fight against these many and different forms of indifference around us. Maybe it`s too much to mention what do we have in our parish community, and what do we have among members of our respective family, relatives and friends. Like prophet Ezekiel in our first reading today who was called and empowered by God to speak to the rebellious Israel, we are also called to put an end to many forms of life-destroying indifference and exclusivity.

The mission of Jesus of Nazareth was to teach in the synagogue, to baptize people, to purify the motives and hearts of people esp. the teachers of the law, the Pharisees and Sadducees. He came most especially to strengthen the faith of God`s people, as well as their (God`s people and Jesus followers) faith in Him. He came to strengthen the weak, to heal the sick, to feed the hungry, and to bring back the dead to life. All these “missions” of Jesus of Nazareth were more than His status as son of a carpenter. In here, we are being reminded that our modern day indifference and exclusivity brought about by low regard for others and too high regard to oneself, slows down the spread of the Good News of God`s generosity (love) and compassion (mercy).

Most people around us may spend all their power and time proving to be better than others based on the values of “this world. In reality, indifference seemingly prospers. However, there are other people at the same time who try to put an end to their old time favorites and ways, exclusivity and indifference. They share the same “missions” of Jesus. Let us pray for all our brothers and sisters who experience hardships in spreading the Word of God. May they experience the warmth of people they encounter daily, especially when they find their own limitations and weaknesses.  Saint Paul shares his experience of life in Christ to the people of Corinth. The more his weaknesses and limitations surface, the more he realizes the power of Jesus shining. It is the same realizations we continue to pray for those who try to experience life in Christ. SO we continue to pray for each one of us. We pray that our community and society will be more welcoming/responsive, truly accepting/receptive of/to God`s Word and of/to people who dedicate their lives in spreading the mission of Christ.

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