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June 02, 2024/ The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ(B)

Exodus 24.3-8/ Ps.116.12+13,15+16b. 17+18/ Hebrews 9.11-15/ Mark 14:12-16,22-26


The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ tells us all about what Jesus has given us, and how He has given His all to us. In here, we specially coin the words “His all, given to all” to have a good start for our sharing today.


Up to this day for us Catholics we have considered Mass as the highest form of prayer. During Mass we see the Body of Christ (the community of believers) gathers to listen to the Word of God that leads us to better Christian living. The community of believers becomes the present (modern) witnesses to the many sacrifices of Jesus, and witnesses to Jesus who becomes a sacrifice Himself. Jesus` invitation to receive His Most Holy Body and Blood comes another invitation to “remember” His greatest sacrifice, and “share” to others too. Ours is not to find Mass dull and boring (often used as an excuse to choose to just go somewhere else and do something else). Seeing the whole picture of what is in fact going on during mass, the community of believers is being drawn more and more deeply into the mystery and meaning of the Eucharist. Ours is all about finding the richness of the Mass, experiencing the presence of Jesus in our lives, so therefore we are all drawn to share with others our experience with Jesus as an integral part of Christian living.  


While the community of believers is considered to be the Body of Christ, today`s Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ tells more about the true Body and Blood of Christ that was transformed from the bread and wine. The Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit) works!


“Transubstantiation,” a process by which the bread and wine of the mass is transformed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.


I believe that our faith in the true presence of Jesus in the form of bread and wine can be deepened through constant participation in the Mass with the community of believers. The grace overflows all throughout the Mass. The overflowing grace leads us to truly understand mass as a thanksgiving and reconciliation, and an experience of mercy


Outside mass time, praying silently in front of the Blessed Sacrament is an added grace. A devotee of the Blessed Sacrament is accustomed to emptying oneself, wait with excitement for a moment to be filled with the Spirit of Christ through the Blessed Sacrament. Inspired shall he/she be to proclaim his/her experience of mercy and forgiveness.  Experience it yourself!

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