Wisdom 1.13-15, 2:23-24/ Ps 30. 2b+4, 6, 11+12/ 2 Corinthians 8.7,9,13-15/ Mark 5.21-43
In most formulary prayers we recite with the community, and perhaps even in our personal prayers, we begin with the attributes of God we know similar to what we have at mass in our opening prayer, offertory prayer and communion prayer. We consider all these attributes of God we know as words of praise to God The knowledge we have of God then becomes the words of praise we offer before we utter specific intentions/petitions of our community, We have the words of praise, for example, as we have in today`s mass, such as, “Most Merciful Father,” “God, the Father Almighty, “Heavenly Father,” God, the Source of Salvation,” and many others.
With the bible readings we have today, we include another attribute of God which I believe can be the starting point for our reflection.
Our first reading from the book of Wisdom emphasizes that life comes from God, and that God intended that “this life” be eternal. However, death entered the world because of the enemy`s envy. In here, we can understand the meaning of the God`s long-range plan and promise of salvation in and through Jesus Christ. We have in the old testament bible the story of the fall/sin of Adam and Eve followed by several stories of the rise and fall of the faith community founded through Moses. This community while hearing the message of God through many other prophets sent by God was at the same time hardheaded, and often failed to follow God`s commandments. While God continued to protect those people who followed His commands, the faith community or in the old testament was considered then to be imperfect community of Jerusalem.
The realization of the promise of Salvation through Jesus Christ makes this modern era, and people of this modern era understand the intention of God in creating life. God created life and He intended life to be eternal. The words and works of Jesus on earth was all about life. Jesus heals. Jesus strengthens the weak, calls everyone to repentance, and to works of love and mercy. These are all promoting life, new life with Him, from death to new life. We depend on God, the giver of life, so that all of us who continue to sin will take courage to turn away from sin and be generous givers of life in the community, respective homes and workplace. We pray to God, the Source and Giver of life. This is our faith in God who is generous in showing His power over sickness and death.
The second letter of Paul to the Corinthians leaves us words to ponder: “Whoever had much did not have more, and whoever had little did not have less.” If we have to excel in this life, let us excel in generosity more than any other aspects of life “this world” recommends. Equality, sharing and service comes from each one`s generosity. Therefore we believe that generosity produces and grows life. Let us make sure to enhance not death but life in our community and society.