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March 24, 2024・Palm Sunday (B)

Isaiah 50.4-7・Ps. 22.8+9, 17+18,19+20, 23+24・Philippians 2.6-11・

Mark 14:1-15:47


Today we start our Sunday Church by a very symbolic participation in the triumphant entry of Jesus to Jerusalem. Starting this week`s observance of Holy Week, we all renew our understanding that Jesus is the Herald of God`s Kingdom, and that His Kingship comes in a humble manner. Therefore we are invited to always see the deeper meaning of our participation in the rite of the blessing of the palm. Let s carry on with our life in Jesus who radically gave new meaning to the Cross, to His Cross that continue to inspire us and motivate us to a change of heart and new life here on earth.


So in our liturgy (mass) today, we learn to be more patient and persevere in daily life`s sufferings. Patience and perseverance mean standing firm in faith while living our life on earth with our respective family, friends, and with some others from different walks of life. We are specially called to embrace the cross of Jesus from the heart, and see the difference of living “this” life without the Cross of Christ.


Let us fruitfully make use of the accounts in the Bible that retell the final days of Jesus before His death on the Cross. There was a story (1) about betrayal, (2) about His Last supper with His disciples, (3) a story about how Jesus responded when brought to trial after the betrayal event, (4) about the denial of His disciple Peter (most probably because out of fear of being attributed to the person in trial), and finally, (5) about the crucifixion.


Having a chance to commemorate the Passion of Jesus during this week-long prayerful atmosphere is a precious gift we can receive. Let us keep this week-long observance so holy as it should be.  God bless us all.   


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