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September 01, 2024・22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Deuteronomy 4.1-2,6-8/ Psalm 15.1+2,3+4a+6/ James 1.17-18,21b-22,27/ Mark 7.1-8,14-15,21-23


Having an opportunity to listen to the Word of God, even more so to be able to listen attentively and thoroughly is a great blessing that each one can ever receive from God. The Word of God comes indeed comes in many and different forms. The Word of God, especially those derived from the Old Testament for example is abundant with the revelation of God`s laws and principles. God`s people are supposed to obey. In obedience is God`s favor, while in disobedience is God`s punishment. For today`s reflection, while we are all invited to reflect further on the revelation of God`s laws and principles, we are all moreover invited to consider how Jesus in the New Testament introduced a better understanding of what is written in the “old.”


The teachers of the law, the scribes and the Pharisees who often presented themselves knowledgeable up to the small details of the “law of Moses” most often attacked Jesus and His platform. We can understand better the position of Jesus on this by re-opening the earlier chapters of the Gospel according to Mark. “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill (cf. Mk.5.17).


The challenge of our readings today is to have an honest review or assessment on how we understand and follow the guidelines on Christian living. Several times in the gospel accounts that people surrounding Jesus including His disciples miss the point of what Jesus intended to say and explain. So are we in modern times, we commonly understand things based on the information/knowledge we have gathered restricted/constrained by our very human abilities. We basically understand things from what we plainly see and hear, and what we physically experience. It may help if we, from time to time, ask ourselves whether we are missing the point or not. We ask Him to redirect us if we realized we are missing the point.


We thank Him for not allowing us to miss His point that far. May we from now understand God`s laws better. With life centered in Jesus, may we be able to realize the fulfillment of His laws and principles.

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