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September 29 2024・26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Numbers 11.25-29/ Ps.19.8 10 12/ James 5.1-6/ Mark 9.38-43,45,47-48

Let's reflect together today about the ongoing and ever-expanding proclamation of God's Word to humanity. Indeed God`s Spirit is present and working in many unexpected ways and unexpected time. The Spirit of God that goes far beyond what/where we can imagine is present in many hearts and tongues even of peoples we have considered not one of us. Therefore we have nothing against some others promoting that the Source of all love solidarity, freedom and justice is the God who is loving, unifying, freeing and just. 

Let's try to focus on some important points presented in our readings today. First and foremost we ought to understand that participation in proclaiming the Word of God is a grace. The grace and the calling to become like prophets is extended also to other people we often consider not one of us.

We are called to understand that as participants in God`s saving mission for the humanity, our basic intention is to let others recognize God`s healing power, let others experience God`s healing through us, and eventually help them increase their faith in Jesus. There is no need to be envious or jealous of others receiving the same grace of having the capacity to share with others God`s love and healing. Proclaiming the message of God`s love is not a matter of competition. There is no need to even feel superior, for example, to our colleagues we usually look down, we may not like, or we do not consider to be in our level. Just like you and me, they carry with them the same pure intentions of sharing to others God`s forgiveness and healing. Let us begin appreciating others (who we consider not one of us) and be truly happy and thankful in their holy and good works. We support each other instead and extend words of encouragements amidst persecutions. Let each one be fully free in sharing God`s message. “Whoever is not against us is for us.” (Mark 9.40)

We are being called to tell others more effectively of God`s justice. Christians do not create any room for unnecessary and unjust behaviors such us hoarding of wealth as emphasized in our second reading.  It may be sad to think that we are “missing the point of Jesus (misunderstanding what Christ is trying to tell us) every time we allow misuse of wealth for personal gain for example.  We are called to openness and solidarity/unity with people of different walks of life to oppose all forms of injustice brought about by misuse of wealth. The Spirit of God is powerful indeed that more people will recognize Him more and become instruments and channels of His love and justice through detachment from material wealth.

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